Si vous pouviez le dire avec des mots, il n'y aurait aucune raison de le peindre. Edward Hopper
Devant la nature elle-même, c'est notre imagination qui fait le tableau. Paul Gauguin.
Il ne s'agit pas de peindre la vie, il s'agit de rendre vivante la peinture. Pierre Bonnard
L’œuvre d’art est un arrêt du temps. Vincent VAN GOGH
Les toiles sont les pages dans des journaux intimes des peintres. Zao WOU KI
Chez les artistes, j’accorde autant d’attention à l’homme qui fait l’œuvre qu’à l’œuvre elle-même. Vincent VAN GOGH
About us

History: Galerie Alpha opened for the first time on 3 July 2014 and, in its first year, has welcomed more than 2000 visitors through its doors.

Our objective: In accordance with the non-commercial nature of this initiative, all costs incurred in setting up and advertising each of our exhibitions are covered by Galerie Alpha.

Our Location: Situated in the medieval district of the town, the ground floor gallery of 100 square metres has been transformed into a meeting place for exhibiting artists and visitors.

Activités: - Galerie Alpha is open every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoon from 3.00pm until 6.00pm but Magda Lycke will be pleased to welcome you at another time upon request.
- The gallery and its facilities are available for workshops free of charge.
- A library of more than 300 books on art, in 4 languages, as well as a photocopier is available to visitors free of charge.
- Beginning in January 2015 the artist and painter, Yves Calmejane held a course of lessons in drawing techniques which were very well received and appreciated. We are pleased to say that this course will be repeated in September and others are in the pipeline.
- We have also been in contact with several artists, both nationally and internationally, with a view to hosting future exhibitions of their work.

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